There are so many messages out there about whether it’s safe to train when you’re pregnant – it’s enough to make you want to hibernate for 9 months. If you’re fit and well though we believe the benefits to staying active through pregnancy are amazing.

Here at Nuyu we’ve safely coached many clients through pregnancy and seen the huge benefits it brings. You might have noticed that we (Ben and Sean) are male, so while we can’t understand everything you’re feeling, you can rest assured that we’re both expert coaches, great listeners, and our approach to training in pregnancy always puts you centre stage.

The benefits of training when you’re pregnant

Having a baby is a pretty major event for your body. You spend time getting the cot ready and buying the right pram, so why not prepare your body in the same way?

The more active you are during pregnancy, the easier your body will adapt to everything ahead. You’ll be more prepared for labour and it’ll help with recovery once the baby arrives. And, of course, it’ll help you wrestle the pram in and out of the car and carry your little bundle around for long periods (blimey, women’s bodies do a lot).

Here are a few of the benefits you’ll experience when you train throughout your pregnancy:

1. A boost to your mood and less stress, thanks to those handy endorphins
2. Lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of preeclampsia
3. Less back and pelvic pain in later pregnancy
4. More energy! Seems contradictory but doing exercise (to suit your level) will help fight fatigue
5. Limited weight gain during and after pregnancy
6. Help with recovery after labour
7. More strength to carry all the baby gear

Also, if you’ve been training for years, you’re going to feel rubbish if you suddenly stop doing it!

So, keep going.

Tips to exercising safely during pregnancy

First, we recommend you always tell your coach when you know you’re pregnant. Here at NUYU we’re very discreet so no one else needs to know until you’re ready to share the news.

Know your limits. We know you’ve got big dreams, but this isn’t the time to be hitting PB’s or your 1 rep max! Be OK with either maintaining or slightly lowering your exercise level throughout your pregnancy. Don’t worry, your body is doing its own little workout, so you’re still doing more than most people!

It’s not the best time to try something new. We all want to try skydiving, horse riding or kickboxing (I think), but if you’ve not done them before it’s best to stick to ground level, low contact sports for a few months (like the gym at NUYU, for example).

Find a gym where you feel safe and supported. You should never feel uncomfortable doing a movement or exercise. If your gym or coach is telling you it’s OK to do something that you’re not happy with, it’s time to re-think your gym choice. It’s really important you feel calm and in control. Here at NUYU we take a cautious approach to your workout. You’ll still be working but we’ll adjust movements to suit your changing body.

Keep a closer eye on the basics, such as a good warm-up and cool down, staying well hydrated and keeping your heart rate at a sensible level. But don’t worry, we’ll be watching all that if you train at NUYU.

If you’re not sure, check with your GP. When you’re busy cooking a little person there’s no such thing as being too careful. If you’re not sure about anything it’s always worth checking with your GP.

Workouts to avoid when pregnant

Apart from the obvious (deep-sea diving, cage-fighting), there’s nothing in the gym that can do you major harm if done correctly.

Things we’ll be keeping an eye on:
● Avoiding lying on your back for long periods to reduce the weight of your bump on your main blood vessel
● Anything where you’d be putting pressure on your bump, knocking your bump or lying on your front
● Exercises that raise your heart rate too high
● Any movement that feels uncomfortable or you’re not happy with

At NUYU we tweak any workout to suit you and your body, that’s the great thing about small group sessions. No matter when you’re doing, we always guarantee a great workout with the best team in Chester.

Bumps welcome at NUYU clubhouse

We embrace all the bumps here at NUYU (not literally).

If you’d like to learn more about our small group training at NUYU Clubhouse just get in touch with Ben by emailing or head to the website and Join NUYU; to find out more and sign up.

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